What’s so great about retiring in Ecuador?

What’s so great about retiring in Ecuador?

It has all the typical “must have’s” for retirement:  low cost of living, perfect climate, friendly people,  healthy lifestyle, and the top-quality but very affordable health care. But here is what makes retiring in Ecuador Great.

Retire in the Wild: Ecuador’s Amazon rain forest, home to one of the planet’s most bio-diverse eco-systems and thousands of indigenous people who have lived there for thousands of years—some of whom rarely come into contact with others from the outside world.

Retire on the top: Follow the path of British mountaineer Edward Whymper up the slopes of 20,702-foot Mount Chimborazo.

Retire to the beginning:   Learn firsthand why Charles Darwin’s 1835 voyage to Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands is called “the most famous few weeks in the history of science.

Old Town QuitoRetire in the past:  In Quito’s Old Town is the largest historic center in the Americas and, along with one more city, the first-ever locale to be designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Covering more than 800 acres,  you can wander for days among ancient thick-walled, tile-roofed colonial buildings, churches, museums, and more…and never be on the same street twice. Cuenca, a smaller and more manageable city (population about 350,000), is another colonial gem and also a World Heritage site.

Retire alone:  along hundreds of miles of sparsely populated coastline and long stretches of practically deserted beaches. And who doesn’t love the beach?Ecuador beaches